Mindsets by C.L. Harmon

C.L. Harmon I like history. But more importantly, I like history the way it is. Does this mean that I am proud of all that has been done throughout human history? Of course not. But I am grateful for what we learned from the actions of those who came before us. Many of those actions have been heroic and honorable and many have been destructive and evil. Whatever they might have been in nature, they were lessons in what propels us forward and what holds us back, what saves us and what destroys us. Every action leaves residue, a mark…
C.L. Harmon On August 6, 1945 President Harry Truman authorized the atomic bombings of Japan, first Hiroshima and Nagasaki three days later. His intention was to end the war in the Pacific and bring an end to the loss of American servicemen fighting against a determined enemy who refused to accept defeat.His efforts succeeded at the cost of 230,000 civilians killed or injured by the heat waves that reached several thousand degrees. Time would inevitably take many more lives as a result of radiation exposure before the effects would level off. Past generations have and future generations will continue to…
By C.L. Harmon There is no easy. Easy is a word to describe what we want, not what is real. In truth, reality is synonymous with difficulty. In other words, life is hard. It matters not what we do. Life is designed in nature to be arduous. Why should anything be easy? What is learned or gained from that which takes no effort, no drive, no discipline? There is no reward in easy. There is no appreciation for what is given that should have been earned. There is no pride in what needs to be accomplished but is not. There…
C.L. Harmon When we live without reason we exist without freedom. Chaos captures us when what is on the outside influences us more than what is on the inside.It seems probable that we are programmed to some degree during our creation. Little adjustments or additions that make some right-handed while others are left or allows for one person to be shy why others seem naturally comfortable around people or an adjustment that even makes some more creative while leaving others with little talent for the arts at all.Based upon this belief, it would seem likely that other additions or adjustments…
To learn you have faults means you are growing up. To accept your faults and learn from them means you have grown up. To embrace your faults and care nor what others think of them means you have grown old.~C.L. Harmon
C.L. HarmonPrior to December 7, 1941, the American Congress held the position that we should stay out of the European conflict that was soon to be called World War II.But after that date something changed. Congress did a complete reversal and with the exception of one Congress person’s vote, we were cast into World War II. But have we ever asked ourselves why Congress would change their opinion so drastically? Consider this:The American people and the American military establishment was not going to sit idly by and allow Congress to do nothing. They were not going to allow American servicemen…
C. L. HarmonThere has always been fear. For parents raising children, it is their responsibility to teach their children about fear and the influence it is supposed to have on them. For example, It’s wise to teach children not to antagonize bees because they sting. It is better to leave them alone as they are not aggressive creatures bent on stinging every human for which they come into contact. It is common sense to teach them not to kill bees because without them humans would cease to exist. The fact that they sting is not a weapon against humanity but…
C.L. Harmon Every moment on social media or on a news segment somewhere there seems to be a reference to “All Lives Matter” or “Black Lives Matter”. My question is since when. Since when has any life mattered when it comes to humans? Did it matter to the Romans when they conquered the peoples of Western Europe and other lands or persecuted and killed Jews and early Christians? Did it matter to Pol Pot and his regime when they murdered two million fellow Cambodians? Did it matter when Genghis Kahn and his army killed 40 million people in his quest…
BY C.L. Harmon I grew up in a world where a tip was earned not expected. I was raised in a world where one helped another just to see them lifted up, not for a ‘you owe me’. I remember a world where working was the natural way and not a time when it’s taught that natural is to expect what is not earned. I experienced a world where God was feared and terrorists were mocked as weak, a time before airports were civil liberties violations with a paycheck. I remember a world when respect was first taught and then…
C.L. Harmon The further we delve into the madness of panic, the more distant sanity travels from us. We have always resided in an uncertain world where chaos sweeps behind us in a frenzied rush. We have always lived with fear, but until recently, we have never let that fear become the beacon in which we gravitate. We are setting a precedent where fear rules us even into ruin. We are choosing to survive in chains rather than live free in the few steps separating us from the chaos. There is no escaping the fact that we will become swept…
C.L. Harmon Sometimes we lose our way and we don’t necessarily want to find our way back even though moving forward frightens us to our core. I believe this is something that we all experience at one point or another in our lives. Even the thought of going back to something familiar and comfortable leaves us with a feeling of uncertainty and possibly dread. Perhaps these moments in which we are idle are telling us that boundaries exist within us that must be overcome. These boundaries are not however placed to keep us in place, but to be conquered. Questioning…
I haven’t written much lately but did have a moment of inspiration for the following little poem. I hope you enjoy. Blood is Spilt, wounds become scars with secrets that are kept and then revealed. And the minutes tick by. We sin, sacrifice saints, live, die and hurt as those minutes tick into hours. Tears fall for those lost and hatred abounds for those who trespass against us. We breathe until we are extinguished and we are buried in cold earth no longer witness to the seasons and the sun. And without us, our children watch as the hours become…
Hey Everyone, For those who may not know, I recently published a book titled “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge”. I would greatly appreciate you checking it out. I might also ask you who do read it and those who have already read it, to please leave feedback about the book on Amazon. I am posting the link below. Thanks Everyone! https://geni.us/SchzhTd
C.L. Harmon We are taught from a very early age to focus. In our education, personal lives and careers we are instilled with the belief that we achieve more by focusing on what we are doing. But do we ever stop to think just what we are accomplishing with the importance we place on this focusing? The very essence of focusing is putting ourselves at the center. We must focus in order to be better. We must focus to reach our goals. We must focus to create. We must focus to succeed. At the center of all our focusing on…
Greetings, I am excited to let everyone know that my book, “Chopping Down the Tree of Knowledge” is now available for preorder. The release date is November 15. A link will be provided for those interested in ordering a copy. The book is available in digital format and paperback. Unlike my first book “In the Midst of Reality” which is a compilation of Mindsets, this book is a journey into life as explained through my personal experiences and the failures which make them up. It is the understanding of a belief system that failed me and hopefully a wake-up call…
By C.L. Harmon Buried within each of us is a set of instructions. We are not born empty vessels void of direction but created with a knowledge and understanding whose origins are beyond our comprehension. Many of these instructions are of a physical nature such as breathing, sleeping and heart functions. But there are also other instructions woven into our creation. These are of a moral nature and instrumental in the course our lives and our world will take. Knowing what is right and wrong are not only lessons we learn as we grow, but guidelines ingrained into our very…
By C.L. Harmon While stopped at a stoplight recently, I noticed the vehicle in front of me had two decals on the back glass. They had been placed there with care to produce the most visible angle for the world to see the owner’s views. The first was one in support of Bernie Sanders for president. The other was 4ocean, an organization that promotes clean oceans around the world. And though I care nothing for this person’s political views, I certainly support everyone’s right to promote their views in a safe and legal manner. I did, however, respect this person’s…
By C.L. Harmon I hear people sometimes say that it would have been nice to have had what kids have now when they were that age. This is not something I will ever say. Sure, there were a few times I had to walk a few miles down a highway after my car broke down because cell phones were not available. And I remember waiting four to six weeks for delivery of an item I ordered. I can also still feel the disappointment after waiting days to go to town, only to learn that the store didn’t have what I…
Mindset C.L. Harmon As we build our lives moment by moment, we are cognizant of the seconds which are eroding behind us. As such, we move forward in hopes of leaving what was to a distant void we call our past. But nothing is ever truly gone as long as we still breathe. Though the minutes of yesterday have vanished, we carry a residue with us that is alive. Within that residue can be despair, regret, and shame. Each of these is impervious to the erosion which destroys time. They are a part of us, but a part we can…
Hey Everyone, I realize I haven’t posted in a while, but life has been very busy for me these past months. I would, however, like to announce that I have a new book coming out very, very soon. The book will be available on Amazon and I will post more details after it is released. Unlike my first book “In the Midst of Reality”, which is a compilation of writings like I usually post here, this one is more of a journey into life. I am excited for this work to be available to those who read my work because…
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