In The Wild

When we visualize the path we wish to take in this life, we should remain open to venture off a bit into the wilderness. There are experiences which await us in the wild that teach a destination should be flexible enough to show us that the journey itself has the...


Mindset What Makes Us?What makes us? Is it our chemical makeup, our cells and molecular processes that give us identity? What about our choices and experiences? Are we a product of them or are they our identity? Our likes and dislikes, where do they originate and are...

A Tune All Your Own

Finding yourself out of rhythm with the music doesn’t mean your steps are wrong. It simply means that particular tune is being played for someone else at that moment. Not every song is meant to be danced to. Some are just melodies we are given to enjoy until it’s our...

That Which We Offer Ourselves

Patience is a gift we offer ourselves. Happiness is a gift we give ourselves. Joy is a gift we allow ourselves. Tolerance is a gift we teach ourselves and success is a gift we define for ourselves. And within all of these gifts is peace, the only one which comes...