I haven’t posted much lately. I have been in a place where my life passion to create art with words has become lost on a dark road. I have felt this absence like the death of a friend whom I miss terribly. For whatever reason, tonight was the first inspiration I have felt in some time. I don’t always know what messages these inspirations are supposed to mean or to whom they are intended. But this one, I think was given to me for me. I hope others get as much out of this as I have. Thanks for reading!…
By C.L. Harmon When we choose to not understand or have empathy for those who suffer, we fail. We fail on every level and have no one to blame but ourselves. We are created to be our brothers’ keepers and yet we continue to choose ourselves over them. We would rather win than compromise, trip than step back and curse rather than listen. We are the enemy within which destroys what is meant to be. Leaders choose egos over solutions while followers choose sides instead of sacrifices. We build weapons instead of homes and amass control in place of compromise.…
As many of you might have noticed, I have not posted any new Mindsets lately. I apologize for this, but I have a good reason! I have been working on a book and it is nearing completion. I am currently in the editing process and having the cover art designed. This book is not a collection of Mindsets like my first book, In the Midst of Reality, but one that is of a personal nature which explains the usage of our belief systems and how they often fail us. Once the book is published, I will post a link on…
I don’t believe that one can understand the purpose of life in one lifetime. It makes sense that such a colossal definition can only come in multiple lifetimes. Perhaps one for each corner of the soul with each representing a significant meaning that is necessary for us to become whole with creation. Consider that the winds which move everything on earth come from four directions. Our entire navigational understanding is based on four directions. This is not to say we live a life multiple times but rather live multiple facets in one life. If we are to understand pain for…
During the Holocaust, a brave group of people who had lost everything except their own lives, took a stand to risk their only tie left to this world—their very existence. On October 7, 1944, several hundred Jewish prisoners at the death camp Auschwitz (at Birkenau,) were being forced to carry corpses from the gas chambers to the furnace to dispose of the bodies. In those horrible moments, they chose to show the scope of humanity’s spirit in one of the world’s darkest hours. This band of broken, weak souls blew up one of the gas chambers and set fire to…
Words,music notes, brush strokes and elements come together to form beauty, art andvision. Mysterious particles of matter and thought swirling about a vastnessbeyond comprehension and yet they group to form a discernible pattern of beautyand purpose. Do we draw reason or coincidence from such an awesomecollaboration? Could it be that each particle has purpose; a destiny it mustfind in a sentence, stroke of color, or chemical compound? Are they asmagnetized molecules drawn to one another? Or are they simply lost looking tofind a home in a creation larger than itself which then creates something weexperience as beauty? How do we…
For most, life is about the pulling the light from the darkness, but for others it’s about seeking the darkness within the light. We associate what is bleak or twisted within the wreckage of tragedy and chaos as the destructive forces which pull us away from the shining rays of comfort and safety. We few, however, know this and still make choices to gravitate toward it. In some respects we never escape the darkness regardless of how much light is present. What is the darkness? Who is the darkness? Why are we drawn to it? Is the definition of such…
When we live without reason we exist without freedom. Chaos captures us when what is on the outside influences us more than what is on the inside.It seems probable that we are programmed to some degree during our creation. Little adjustments or additions that make some right-handed while others are left or allows for one person to be shy why others seem naturally comfortable around people or an adjustment that even makes some more creative while leaving others with little talent for the arts at all. Based upon this belief, it would seem likely that other additions or adjustments were…
Sometimes all we can do is accept the decisions of others. Although life is so much about choices, we are not given the ability to change the views and decisions of others if they choose not to listen to or act on what we say. Many times our only option is to accept and this is not by accident but by design. This act of acceptance, however, does not mean that we have faith in other’s ideas. It does not mean we believe in them or understand them or the direction they have chosen to pursue. It simply means we…
Rain pours and pounces the landscape near and far. To nature a drink of life; to others, a dismal day in shelters and hideaways who long for escape. The drops fall with purpose but without permission. They require no planning or proposals but only elements to interact and become whole. But delve deeper and realize we are not but prisoners of life within raindrops, but chosen components to the development of an awesome experience. We are tiny shards in a fragmented sky. What we see, understand and encompass exists within a fragile framework that is delicate and yet withstanding of…
When we think of our lives, our place in humanity and our world, we tend to think of it on a broad scale that encompasses all that we do and experience as an ordinary ritual of sorts. But what if that world we focus so heavily on each day causes us to lose sight of so much more? What if we miss the treasure because we are focused on finding the spot marked with the X? Consider that all life, each individual entity, is a world all its own, made up of countless functions and processes in constant motion. We…
What we refuse to acknowledge is the measure of how much we lose. Every blessing bestowed upon us becomes a curse when we seek more than the blessing offers. When we seek more than what has been given, that original blessing is lost to us in exchange for a desire that has no absolute certainty. If we ask why a given amount is all we receive from a blessing, then we have convinced ourselves that we need more, thus creating a thirst. But if we proclaim that what we have is all we need, then there is no need to…
There are many ways to live life, many approaches, and philosophies to life which we can take. These options relay a message from our Creator about acceptance and insight into what we should discover about ourselves.How we interpret purpose, success, faith, and morality define how we live. There are vast variances in these interpretations from one person to the next. Why not create us with the same stream of conscious thought?By doing so, wouldn’t war and disagreement be minimal? Wouldn’t humanity live more harmoniously if our design was one of shared understanding? Perhaps the answers as to why we are…
Our lives are conveyed in many ways to others. Through our words, actions, choices, and beliefs, we tell the world about ourselves, about who we are and the legacy we are building. But do we ever truly consider what messages we are sending? Can we stand upon the words which we speak, change the world with our choices and save others with our beliefs? Are they solid foundations for which our futures can be built and others can rely upon to build their own. Imagine that every second of our lives is a building block and what we do in…
In order to understand why existing concepts are in error, we must go back and look at the precise moment that right became wrong. It is only through realization and understanding that correction can be possible. Let’s look at the concepts of freedom and that all individuals are created equal. In their origins, they are right, fair, equal and just, but is what we experience every day truly the practice of such righteousness? Society does not treat those it deems important and the homeless population the same. One is protected under law or duty while the other is left to…
Everything in our lives is connected. All that we see, experience, learn and understand connects to the other at some point during the course of our lives. As we live day to day, what we perceive as random acts, accidents or seemingly unimportant events thread themselves into our psyche and become part of a woven tapestry making up our existence. We may go for years not remembering a specific image we saw or moment from our past and then through a new experience, it comes back, helping us to understand our new circumstances. Quite often that moment or image will…
There seems to be little understanding as to the meaning of life and creation. And what is believed to be understood by some is never agreed upon by all. Yet we all seek knowledge, wisdom, and insight as to why we are here and to our purpose in life. We make choices and then worry about the outcome of those choices, believing them to be drawing us closer to our purpose and not further away. But perhaps we put too much emphasis on what we believe to be our purpose instead of the faith needed to make choices which lead us to…
Life has a way of leading us on journeys that we don’t understand and which seem to us to serve no useful purpose in our lives at the time…and often, it seems we would be right. But if we consider the importance of this very moment based upon what it has taken for us get here, then we can begin to understand why such moments occur. What we take from today’s situations is not necessarily intended for use now but for a future moment when it will become beneficial to us. Most of us live in the moment because it is…
We suffer, we bleed, we follow, we lead, and through it all, we learn. We kill dreams and prolong pain to be swallowed up in darkness and yet still seek light when there is none. And through it all, we learn. We build what nature destroys while we destroy what nature creates in order to build and we hope to learn. We seek treasures in hopes of gaining value before we know how to define value and through it all, we hope to learn. We borrow fear and then find courage. We stumble in darkness, proclaim blindness all the while…
Human beings have the capacity for incredible compassion and indescribable evil. Can one even fathom the amount of faith it must take to entrust such liberty with humanity? The very idea that a creation made out of love can destroy itself with hate or evil must show the incredible importance of love to the Creator. To allow cruelty and injustice to prosper defines what the value of choice actually represents. The gift of choice does more than set a course for our lives; it represents the idea that what we choose as individuals matters most to the Creator. Obedience can…